Monday, June 8, 2009

Mary Balogh: Lady with a Black Umbrella

Lady with a Black Umbrella was published in September 1989 by Signet for author Mary Balogh. It is a humorous story about Daisy, who considers herself too old to wed, but intends to find her younger sister a spouse. Unfortunately, Daisy falls in love with the perfect groom for her sister!

Allan Kass creates a vivid and interesting picture for this cover! Of course, the black umbrella is close at hand and looks as if it's been used to knock the men who are running away from the inn. Our heroine has beautiful chestnut hair and is wearing a simple sky blue gown. The hero has on an olive green caped greatcoat with a wide collar and buttons. Note the inn sign, probably named the Swan. In ancient England, few people could read, so the pub signs were usually pictures! It looks like a cozy place to visit!

Travel during regency times was convenient, considering the road system. The wealthy would have their own horses stabled at coaching inns for their personal use. Inns were well known and usually served a neat meal. Some were cleaner than others and frequently people carried their own sheets! Rich people usually had their own transportation, but those less endowed rode the stagecoach or hired a post chaise to convey them. Frequently postilions were hired to keep the traveling party safe.

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