Sunday, May 17, 2009

Jane Ashford: The Impetuous Heiress

The Impetuous Heiress is the third book of Jane Ashford's illustrated by Allan Kass. The plot of this regency is the romance of a London beauty, Alicia, and the Scotsman who detests society and how they cope!

This cover, while looking at first glance simple, has much to offer. Note that the hero and heroine embrace in an elegantly appointed room: notice the curtains in the background. The statue and marble topped table attract our attention after the couple. Allan creates a portrait of a woman who wears a simple morning or afternoon dress, but has her hair down, which would be unacceptable in regency society, despite the latest Mansfield Park movie! Maybe she was resting or reading beforehand in this room. I love the blue of her dress and her earrings and ring. Our hero has a red cast to his hair denoting his Scots blood while wearing afternoon or evening dress. Note his watch fob with red ribbon! This is before the time of wristwatches, where men carried a pocket watch attached to a chain or ribbon. The fob could be considered an adornment, though Beau Brummell made male accessories little and understated. Permissible were a signet ring, watch fob, and stick pin for the cravat, but nothing further in the way of jewelry. Men could carry a snuff box, cane, and hat, but little else. Simplicity and elegance were the rule of the regency.

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